• Master Arpeggios

    Updated: 2011-07-28 21:18:11
    The term arpeggio (ar-peg-ee-oh) may look and sound like a foreign language yet arpeggios actually belong to one, universal language — music. Simply put, arpeggios are a reason that regardless of race, color, social class, etc we all have a common connection with music. Consequently, understanding arpeggios (and incorporating them into your learning experience) will [...]

  • Video Podcast 49: Jimi Hendrix, SRV, and John Mayer Style Lick

    Updated: 2011-07-28 16:55:56
    In video podcast 49 I want to show you a Jimi Hendrix style lick using the major pentatonic scale. This lick has been used by SRV, and John Mayer as well in such songs as Lenny, and Gravity. I first heard this lick in the Jimi Hendrix tune “May This Be Love”. It’s a great [...]

  • I Finally Took Guitar Lessons

    Updated: 2011-07-27 07:02:46
    I have a huge list of goals that I want to achieve during my life time. Some goals are small like learning to keep a goldfish alive for longer than a month. Other goals are more significant like traveling to all fifty states or learning a second language. As I continue to learn new things [...]

  • Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash Cover) – Learn to Play for Guitar

    Updated: 2011-07-27 01:10:32
    Learn to Play Guitar with this posting on guitar playing.In this lesson, we’re going to look at Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire” (that’s the YouTube link if you want to view there).  It’s a great song and also a pretty easy one to learn. The neat thing about Ring of Fire is that it only uses three chords, and those chords happen to be [...]This has been a post from LearnToPlayGuitarTV.com. Be sure to sign up for more free lessons.

  • Essential Guitar Accessories

    Updated: 2011-07-22 22:22:13
    In order to play guitar you need a guitar. Simple enough, eh? While learning to play guitar is as easy as that most guitarists learn the instrument more effectively by incorporating many of the wonderful guitar tools and accessories available. Some of the guitar accessories (below) are simple little tools like picks and guitar straps while [...]

  • Allman Brothers Backing Track in B

    Updated: 2011-07-20 20:33:23
    Practice your licks with this Ain’t Wastin Time style Allman Brothers Backing track in the Key of B. This track sounds really good when playing open e tuning slide guitar. Try using the mixolydian scale to get a Derek Trucks slide guitar sound. Here’s an example of me playing a solo over this track. Check [...]

  • Come Together (Beatles Cover) – Learn How to Play It for Guitar

    Updated: 2011-07-19 20:05:53
    Learn to Play Guitar with this posting on guitar playing.This Video Lesson is on How to Play “Come Together” by the Beatles for Guitar Come Together by the Beatles is a great tune that I hope you’ll like.  I used the arrangement out of a Beatles songbook and it is a pretty straight forward, easy to learn way to play the tune.  Watch the [...]This has been a post from LearnToPlayGuitarTV.com. Be sure to sign up for more free lessons.

  • The 3 Most Important Things to Have When Playing the Blues.

    Updated: 2011-07-19 15:39:02
    About a week ago I asked everyone on Facebook this question. I got a lot of great answers ranging from heart, soul, space, feeling, tone and more. I have thought about this question a lot and after quite a bit of thought, I came up with what I consider to be the 3 things you [...]

  • You Can Learn To Play Music On Guitar

    Updated: 2011-07-14 06:51:30
    When you learn to play music on guitar it is one of the most rewarding things you can learn. It can be used at a variety of occasions and can also be used to make money when you become experienced. I will try to show you some simple steps to learn to play guitar, but [...]

  • Master Heavy Metal Guitar

    Updated: 2011-07-13 23:51:42
    If you’re going to play guitar you might as well play loud, right? Mastering heavy metal guitar is a highly admirable trait especially if you are a younger guiartist. Heavy metal is not the most strict genre in terms of having a lot of rules, but you need to make sure it’s loud and you [...]

  • What To Look For In An Internet Guitar Lesson

    Updated: 2011-07-12 06:39:03
    Purchasing products online can require a little extra care and research to ensure that you are receiving the best product possible. Some people still feel apprehensive about shopping over the Internet, but it really is very safe and provides access to things you simply cannot find anywhere else. For example, a new and exciting trend [...]

  • 100 Brilliant Guitar Riffs

    Updated: 2011-07-06 23:40:52
    They are great because they’re brilliant. The 100 Guitar Riffs (below) are brilliant for a reason. No one was able to quite capture the same guitar riff before them, they are still heavily intimiated to this day and ultimately they make the guitar what it is today. If you love classic rock than chances are that several [...]

  • Podcast 48: Slow Blues Guitar Lesson

    Updated: 2011-07-05 21:41:22
    In podcast 48 I want to show you a tip on how to start learning how to correctly play over a slow blues 12 bar progression. Learning how to play over the chords in a 12 bar blues is one of the most critical steps to learn when playing blues guitar. If you don’t start [...]

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